There is no doubt that the first requirement for a composer is to be dead. - Arthur Honegger

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Lake O'Hara

Wed, Sep 11

Just conference stuff.

Thu, Sep 12

Hiked a hike named 'Fairview / Saddleback'. You go to the opposite side of Lake Louise with a view down to the lake. Near the summit it took us an hour to go 1.5km, as it gets really steep. Had lunch before the steep part. Nice view at the top, of a bunch of glaciers and Lake Louise. Slippery rocks coming down.

Checked in at Lake Louise campground. Waited for Steve & Hoa to show up. Had pasta primavera for dinner, and then made a fire. Ate Bernard Callebaut chocolates from the conference.

Fri, Sep 13

Went to Consolation Lakes and hiked around there. Started at Moraine Lake. Scrambled over a bunch of boulders at the end to get to the lake. Had lunch there.

Came back to the campground, and had some snacks. Later on for dinner we had chicken quesadillas provided by Steve/Hoa and some broccoli soup. Later on we had a fire and I attemped a new campfire snack, called 'crescent roll on a stick with chocolate inside' (title pending)

Sat, Sep 14

Headed to the Lake O'Hara bus stop parking lot. Boarded the bus with our camping gear. Drove 11km up to the campground. Passed some people doing it the hard way. Set up our tent, and started our hike, the Lake O'Hara Alpine Circuit.

Went up through a very steep section, the Wiwaxi Gap, and looked down on Lake O'Hara. Made it to the top of Saddleback, and then worked our way across the ledge. Well, we started to, but then Hoa had a bit of an episode. Claimed she would pay $20,000 for a helicopter ride off the mountain. We believed her.

Eventually though, we got everyone past the scary part, and then gradually descended to Lake Oesa, where we had lunch. Made our way up the Huber Ledges, and then came out and went to Opabin Lake.

Descending, we ran into a bear, which caused a bit of a delay. Trying to think of things to say loudly, we could only come up "No bears" and "Go away bear."

Walked back along the lake, with the only part of the Alpine Circuit we missed being the All Souls Ridge. Need to remember that for next time.

Back to the campground, and had our dragon bowl soup for dinner. Sat by the group fire with a bunch of other hikers.

Sun, Sep 15

Got up, had some oatmeal for breakfast. Steve and I went to the snackshop for coffee. Chris stayed back and was nice enough to do all the dishes and pack up the tent. And the air mattress. And everything else. I on the other hand, had no idea the snackshop was so far away. Chris reminded me that I had walked past it the day before.

Steve and Hoa left to go home, while we went on one last hike, which would be to Lake Macarthur. We nearly had it all to ourselves, with just a few other hikers soaking in the beautiful views. Had lunch there, got our bags out of the storage area, and caught the bus back to our car.


