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Watching Live Sports On The Internet (For Free)
February 25, 2008
Mmmmmm...free TV
Step 1: Download and install TVU Player
Step 2: Download and install Sopcast
Step 3: Download and install FFDShow
- You'll need to UnZip this one, and then install it.
Step 4: Download and install VLC Media Player
Step 5: Open up the Sopcast player you installed in Step 2.
- Login as anonymous.
- If it asks for access through your firewall, choose unblock
- Click on 'Option' at the bottom.
- Under General, select 'Use my own media player', hit the select button, and point it to where you installed VLC Media Player in
Step 4.
This will likely be under C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC Once you get to that directory, double click on vlc to select that
executable. Click 'Apply' and then 'Ok'.
Step 6: - Go to www.myp2p.eu (bookmark this page) and click on Live Sports.
- Look for the event you're interested in. When you find it, click on the little right arrow, beside the event name.
- Now the page shows you which player you'll be launching to watch the event. Hopefully it's Sopcast or TVU Player (most common).
- Click on 'Play' and the appropriate player will launch. Windows might ask you if you want to always open this player for this type
of link. Say Yes.
If it's being broadcast through TVU Player, no further action is required. If you're using SopCast, once you've launched your event,
click on the button shown below to launch the broadcast in VLC Player.
Sometimes you may have to wait 5 minutes or so after the event starts to see the Play links.
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