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Things I've Learned In Eastern Europe
September 25, 2004
Rather than bore you to death with the specific trip details we thought we
would share with you some of the observations we've made on our trip
so far....
1. There is no such thing as a straight road in the Czech Republic,
took the bus from Prague to Cesky Krumlov. When we got on the bus we
noticed there were handles to hang onto on the back of the seats in
front of you, turns out they were there for a reason. At home the
road would simply go straight down the hill, here it winds back and
forth all the way down. You also travel at the same speed as if you
were going straight down it, the driver doesn't bother to slow down
for the turns.
2. Everyone in Vienna has a dog. Apparently the population is
declining because people like dogs better than they like kids.
3. All the women (and some men) wear pointy shoes. The pointier your
shoes the more European you are.
4. If you want to see a lot of men in Speedos and large Hungarian
women, the baths in Budapest is the place to go - sort of like
equivalent of our hot springs.
5. Carbonated water is everywhere, we keep buying it by accident -
looks flat in the store, as soon as you open it, it starts fizzing.
6. When you go to a Hungarian opera just because the curtains close,
the singers come out and take their bows, everyone applauds, the
orchestra leaves and 99 percent of the people in the theatre get up
and leave taking all their belongings with them doesn't mean it's
over. It's only intermission.
7. There's no such thing as warm water, you can either take a burning
hot shower, or a freezing cold one.
8. Finding the name of a street is can be challenging. Sometimes they
decide to put a name on it, sometimes they don't.
9. The Hungarian newpapers, the normal everyday ones - there's naked
women in all of them.
10. Went to a nightclub in Vienna, if you order a rum and coke they
charge you separately for your rum and seperately for your coke. 2
drinks ended up costing us 17 Euros. The Coke is almost as expensive
as the rum.
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