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The Bittersweet Sound Of Permanent Hearing Damage
April 15, 2003

Have you ever been out to a club or concert and woke up the next day to find your ears were still ringing?

After 5 hours of being in a club where a world famous DJ was spinning records through a very expensive (and very loud) sound system my ears felt like they could take a little more punishment.

So it was off to an afterhours club, with equally loud music in a much smaller venue. After 3 hours of that I remember not being able to hear a damn thing anyone was trying to say to me.

The next day I woke up with the usual ear-ringing sensation and everything still sounding a bit muffled. The ringing stopped, but it was replaced with a new sensation, a soft static sound.

When it's really quiet I can hear a constant static-like hiss. It would actually be quite soothing if it weren't so disconcerting.

